In a shocking turn of events, a 16-year-old 10th-class boy named Arya Umesh Srirao, died by suicide after jumping from the 14th floor of his residential tower in Pimpri Chinchwad, Pune.
Flushing without closing the toilet lid can release aerosol plumes up to 5 feet high, lingering for 11-16 minutes, spreading harmful germs. Close the lid to prevent infection.
Orange Blossom Water, is scented water frequently found in Moroccan homes and often used as perfumes. Here are the benefits of Orange Blossom Water.
On the second day of the G20 summit, India took the presidency of Group of Twenty from Indonesia, which it will implement on 1st of December this year
Watch our latest video to see how how members of a WhatsApp group plotted and executed the murder of Amravati chemist Umesh Kolhe.
Bhagwant Mann assumes office as Punjab Chief Minister.
At the start of July Rishab Pant had got infected with Covid-19. He has now recovered and resumed practice with the team.
Following the Supreme Court’s directives, 4G internet will resume in the districts of Ganderbal and Udhampur districts of Jammu Kashmir.
While While most of us expressed anguish, anger, and demanded revenge over the tragic Pulwama attacks, one musician from Bengaluru set out on a journey of a lifetime to "unite" the martyrs. Learn abou